Friday, August 22, 2008

Thailand here we come

As I write this, I'm not exactly sure what time it is, as we've travelled across multiple time zones, and everyone in our group seems to have selected a different method of keeping track of time. Some have set their clocks ahead to the Asian time, and others have chosen to switch to West Coast time, while others have just maintained East Coast Time.

Well, we arrived at the airport in Baltimore (BWI) way too early, 5am to be exact, for a 7.45am flight. The travel agency screwed up the seat arrangements, as to be expected, but we all boarded the flight on time and departed on schedule.

We managed to find about an hour and a half in San Francisco to grab lunch. We are now in flight to Tokyo, and there are unsubstantiated rumors that our flight from Tokyo to Bangkok is cancelled, due to typhoons. What's the worst that can happen, we spend a night in Tokyo. Oh NO!

The flights are long and the coping methods vary. Some are catching up on all the movies we've missed over the past two years of the program, some have medicated themselves (through sleep aids, liquor, or a combination of both) and some are just milling around the cabin socially, of which the stewards seem to actually be quite tolerant. Our first leg of the trip from BWI to San Fran was a five hour stint... child's play in consideration of the eleven hour flight we are now enduring. Next, we look forward to a five hour layover in Tokyo (if we do ever leave, that is) and then we head off to Bangkok, which is another seven hour flight. We'll see what happens with our flights... that may prove a whole new topic for our next blog entry.

It is now 4am, and we arrived at the hotel in Thailand a few hours ago. Its very hot, and raining. We have checked in, and are now in the rooms. Since all the bars and restaurants here close at 2am, we were only able to have a few beers at the hotel bar.

Tomorrow we are traveling to the Grand Palace and the Emerald Buddha Temple and the Chatuchak Market...Now we are going to try and go to sleep.

Till tomorrow,

From Asia with Love


Unknown said...

movie looks good, we want more!!!!

Unknown said...

Have fun, we are taking care of Vika, she is under control:)

Anonymous said...

Greg-that flight isn't so bad. try taking it all the way to Manila! have an awesome time! The Log.Secer's miss you.